Review: I Ship My Rival x Me, Vol.1
I received this book from Edelweiss/the publisher in exchange of an honest review.
This was an adorable fun manhua featuring two idols who are often seen as rivals, but there is also another faction, one that ships them. And one of the leads absolutely LOVES the ship and starts falling for the other idol and the reverse is also true. I loved that for most it was YanYan’s POV but we also got Gu’s POV through a diary. That way we could see that there is a ton of chemistry between the guys and that they were both interested in each other for real, and that they really need to get together (and not just in the fantasies of some many girls (including mine)). I was constantly rooting for them, hoping that they would be honest and confess, and of course hoping they would fall further in love! I love that we saw several cute blushes, sweet moments, and awkward times in which they don’t know what to do with themselves between the two.
Alongside that we get a glimpse behind the set of the series/movie the two guys are making, and I just loved the period it was set in and seeing the costumes. Plus, I was absolutely adoring that YanYan knew the script completely by hard, he still had a lot to learn with acting (he is a bit wooden), but in regards to reading and knowing his lines he is a pro.
There were some scenes that you could see that YanYan was very much invested in Gu. I mean, he knew all his likes/dislikes, about his pets, but the top of the cherry was when we met Gu’s stepmom (what a bitch) and how he handled that, boo, that was a lot, but I love it. Haha.
And I also love that we saw YanYan’s fanclub and see how dedicated they were to him, but also making sure the club runs correctly. He even asks about things because he also wants things to go fairly and I love that!
The art was just SO pretty. I also love the darker versus light theme in regards to the characters. Hope that makes sense, I just love it when a blonde guy goes for a black-haired guy (or girl x girl or girl x guy, you get it). The contrast is great, plus, I also love that often the personalities fit with it. Like for instance Gu is more mature, more mysterious and YanYan is all bubbly and clumsy and happy.
Oh, and I love love the illustrations between the chapters and at the end. Definitely imagine a GIF of a girl getting a nosebleed, because that is me, haha. It was so sexy!
All in all, I desperately need more of this series. I got a ship that needs to set sail for reals! I would recommend this one to all.