Blog Tour ~ Why on Earth: An Alien Invasion Anthology Edited by Rosie Thor and Vania Stoyano ~ Spotlight

Blog Tour ~ Why on Earth: An Alien Invasion Anthology Edited by Rosie Thor and Vania Stoyano ~ Spotlight

Afternoon all~

Why on Earth An Alien Invasion Anthology Edited by Rosie Thor and Vania Stoyano banner, kids at a beach looking at something over the ocean

A very space welcome to the Blog Tour for Why on Earth: An Alien Invasion Anthology Edited by Rosie Thor and Vania Stoyano! Featuring stories by Beth Revis, Laura Pohl, Eric Smith, and many others. Invasions x romance! I love the sound of this book (and the cover is just amazing) and I am so excited to be sharing this one with my readers today.

Today I am shining a spotlight on the book + I got information on the editors.

Let’s get started!

Why on Earth An Alien Invasion Anthology Edited by Rosie Thor and Vania Stoyano, kids on the beach staring at a spaceship crashing through the airWith stories from NYT bestselling and debut authors, Why on Earth uses an accidental alien invasion to explore love and identity.

What starts as a simple rescue mission for a crew of teen aliens to recover one of their own soon becomes an interstellar encounter no one will forget.

Captain Iona is organizing an impromptu retrieval for her brother, an undercover alien posing as a movie star. But her efforts go awry when a technical malfunction turns her heroic rescue into an unintentional invasion. With tales of disguised extraterrestrials stuck in theme parks, starship engineers hitchhiking to get home, and myth-inspired intergalactic sibling reunions, each story in this multi-author anthology explores the universal desire to be loved and understood, no matter where you come from. After all…aliens are just like us.

Buy here:Amazon
About the author:

Vania StoyanovaVania Stoyanova is a photographer by day and a writer by night. Hailing from the Eastern European Balkans, this Bulgarian immigrant loves getting swept away in a new world. She loves romance so much she is one of the organizers of LOVE Y’ALL Book Romance Fest. She has run a successful Young Adult book club for adults for over six years, has contributed content for NY Times bestselling authors and major publishers, created book trailers for popular books and photographed book covers for favorite authors. From touring with authors to moderating at book festivals, Vania seeks to spread the love of books. She’s on the board of directors for Atlanta’s Broadleaf Writer’s Association and is the organizer of YATLCon, a conference for writers of young adult books.

Find her here:    
About the author:

Rosiee ThorRosiee Thor began their career as a storyteller by demanding to tell their mother bedtime stories instead of the other way around. They spent their childhood reading by flashlight in the closet until they came out as queer. Now, they write stories for all ages, including young adult novels Tarnished Are The Stars and Fire Becomes Her, the picture book The Meaning of Pride, and tie-in novels for franchises like Life is Strange and Firefly. Their short fiction appears in many anthologies, including the Lambda award nominated Being Ace, and they are the editor of Why On Earth: An Alien Invasion Anthology. Their debut cozy mystery, The Dead & Breakfast, is forthcoming from Berkley Press. Rosiee lives in Oregon with a dog, two cats, and an abundance of plants.

Find them here:     
This Blog Tour was organized by:
TBR and Beyond Tours, Blog Tour, Banner, Shelf, Plants

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