Six For Sunday ~ 6-6-2021: A Rainbow of Books
My Favourite Weekly Quotes A Top 10 ~ 2019 Edition
Review for Hold My Hand
Blog Tour ~ Hold My Hand by Michael Barakiva ~ Excerpt + Giveaway
Weekly Quote for Week-20 2019 ~ One Man Guy
“And did you feel like, ‘This is it!?’ Did music swell and fireworks explode and did you think to yourself,’This is what a kiss is supposed to feel like?'”
“It was like ice cream.”
“I worked at DQ. Trust me, it’s not like ice cream.”
“No, I mean it’s like all my life I’ve been eating frozen yogurt. And kissing boys is ice cream.”
First Chapter First Paragraph Tuesday Intros ~ One Man Guy

Alek stared at the menu suspiciously. He smelled marinara sauce and a trap.
“Welcome to Trattoria dell’Arte. My name is Lizzy. Can I start you off with something to drink?” The waitress was young, maybe a college student already home for the summer, with a kind, round face framed by bangs that curled up at the bottom. Alek pitied her. She had no idea what she was in for.
Friday’s Page 69 ~ One Man Guy

The train pulled into the station. Ethan waited for everyone else to board, then got on. “Any chance I can persuade you?” he asked Alek from across the portal.
“Sorry, man.”
“No prob, dude. Maybe next time.” Ethan held out his hand Alek’s fingers goodbye. But when their hands met, Ethan interlocked his fingers around Alek’s wrist. Ethan puled back with all of his strength, yanking Alek onto the train. Alek, stunned, didn’t even try to break Ethan’s hold as he heard the doors beepbeep close behind him. Alek turned around and saw South Windsor move away as the train started speeding to New York.
Review for One Man Guy
I was looking forward to this book since the time it appeared on Goodreads. I love LGBT books, especially if they are done right, and this one is done perfectly right.