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Tag: Asian

October Horror Mystery Month Fest ~ Cursed Objects That Will Kill You ~ Day 7: Ring by Kouji Suzuki

October Horror Mystery Month Fest ~ Cursed Objects That Will Kill You ~ Day 7: Ring by Kouji Suzuki

Ring (Ring #1) by Kōji Suzuki, Horror, Scary, Curse
Sadako is back from last year! This time it is her cursed object: Video tapes! Be warned if you come across this one, don’t get curious and try to find a VCR player!
October Horror Mystery Month Fest ~ Deadly Creatures from the Dark ~ Day 25: Ring by Kouji Suzuki

October Horror Mystery Month Fest ~ Deadly Creatures from the Dark ~ Day 25: Ring by Kouji Suzuki

Ring (Ring #1) by Kōji Suzuki, Horror, Scary, Curse
Sadako! She in your TV. On no. She is in your home. 
First Chapter First Paragraph Thursday Intros ~ Daughter of the Moon Goddess by Sue Lynn Tan

First Chapter First Paragraph Thursday Intros ~ Daughter of the Moon Goddess by Sue Lynn Tan

Daughter of the Moon Goddess (The Celestial Kingdom Duology #1) by Sue Lynn Tan , Fantasy, Cover Love, Girl, Moon, Flowers, Young Adult, Asian, Historical Fiction, Mythology, Retellings, Romance
There are many legends about my mother. Some say she betrayed her husband, a great mortal warrior, stealing his Elixir of Immortality to become a goddess. Others depict her as an innocent victim who swallowed the elixir while trying to save it from thieves. Whichever story you believe, my mother, Chang’e, became immortal. As did I.