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Spell the Month in Books February 2022

Spell the Month in Books February 2022

Hey all!!!

Nichijou, Calendar

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Teaser Tuesday ~ The Surprising Power of a Good Dumpling by Wai Chim

Teaser Tuesday ~ The Surprising Power of a Good Dumpling by Wai Chim

The Surprising Power of a Good Dumpling, Wai Chim, Young Adult, Mental Health, Family, Australia, Romance, Pink, Girl, Noodles, Chopsticks, Dumpling
I had select a page for me and it selected page 103.
It feels like family, everyone’s chopsticks poised, cradling their small bowl of rice to their chests. I watch as Ah-Jeff goes for a thick mushroom only to have Baba snatch it from under him. My father laughs and winks at me as he slurps up the slimy mess from his bowl.
I can’t remember the last time he did that with us at home. I’m happy to have this moment with just us but I can’t help but feel a teeny bit guilty that Ma, Lily and Michael aren’t here.

Six For Sunday ~ 16-5-2021: Covers with plants on

Six For Sunday ~ 16-5-2021: Covers with plants on

Evening all,

Six for Sunday, Sky, Space, Stars

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Monday’s First Sentence ~ Pay Attention, Carter Jones

Monday’s First Sentence ~ Pay Attention, Carter Jones

Pay Attention Carter Jones, Gary D. Schmidt, Loss, Grief, Butler, Children's Books, Sports, Family, Military, Australia, Sister, Brother, Dog, Doormat, Junk, Mess, Bag, Medal, Hat, Feet, Legs
If it hadn’t been the first day of school, and if my mother hadn’t been crying her eyes out the night before, and if the fuel pump on the Jeep had been doing what a fuel pump on a Jeep is supposed to be doing, and if it hadn’t been raining like an Australian tropical thunderstorm – and I’ve been in one, so I know what it’s like – and if the very last quart of one percent milk hadn’t gone sour and clumped up, then probably my mother would never have let the Butler into our house.