Monday’s First Sentence ~ Second Night Stand by Karelia and Fay Stetz-Waters
Review for Junko Tabei Masters the Mountains | Alicia Alonso Takes the Stage | Dr. Wangari Maathai Plants a Forest
Blog Tour ~ Anything But Fine by Tobias Madden ~ Spotlight
Teaser Tuesday ~ Midnight in Everwood by M.A. Kuzniar
Today I just flipped through the pages and came upon page 136. Haha, I would have also tried licking/eating the walls.
Marietta was bewitched; magic was ingrained into the very fabric of this world.
“The palace, the gingerbread chalets and huts in the town, the marzipan whirls of apartment suites and cobblestones, all of it is locked in an immutable state. Spellbound to remain frozen. If you attempted to eat any of it, you’d break your teeth. Even the moose are wise enough not to take a nibble.”
Marietta was vaguely insulted. “I am certain I possess more intelligence than a moose,” she told Dellara, who shrugged and resumed examining her wardrobe.