Top 10 Books October 2022
Review for Beasts and Beauty
“So she sticks close to her father, and whenever he gives gold to her sisters for new dresses and boots, he also slips her some, which Mei uses to buy new books, while the rest she buries under a floorboard so she can one day live free of men entirely in a house of her own with a library two stories high and a garden where she can read.”
Review for Beauty and the Beast – Belle’s Tale
Friday’s Page 69 ~ Beasts and Beauty by Soman Chainani

Beware the parent who craves a child in order to mend a broken heart.
They often come with the best of intentions, as this one does, with his once rose-red hair turned gray and his sagging flesh and hump in his spine, a man once a boy, whose parents kept him in a tower and smothered him with love, hoarding him away, until it was too late to find love for himself.
Review for Once Upon a Wild Wood
Cover Lover Saturday ~ Beasts and Beauty: Dangerous Tales by Soman Chainani + Julia Iredale
Teaser Tuesday ~ Of Curses and Kisses by Sandhya Menon

I flipped through the pages and settled on…. page 184!
Release Day Blitz ~ The Billionaire’s Beauty by Ava Ryan
First Chapter First Paragraph Thursday Intros ~ A Far Away Magic

There’s a massive mirror in the drawing room. It haunts me. If you look hard enough, if you look in just the right way, you can see yourself for who you could be. There is always the hope. Most of the time it just shows me exactly what all the others see; what we all become in this house. The crooked spine, the sallow skin, the dark hair that curls and grows out. Nose is longer, more prominent than an average boy’s nose. Shadows cling tight and there’s a warp in the air around me.