Top 10 Books November 2021
Teaser Tuesday ~ The Great Dream Robbery by Greg James, Chris Smith
I was reading this one when I bumped against this fantastic quote, it is found on page 100.
“What on earth are you doing here?” she asked out loud, without thinking.
“I was about to ask you the exact same question,” replied Bin Bag in exactly the sort of voice she’d always imagined he would have. It was deep, cultured and – there was no better word for it – rather catty.
“WHOAH,” said Maya in astonishment. “I can talk to cats!”
“Anyone can talk to cats.” Bin Bag sniffed dismissively.
“People talk to cats all the time. It’s getting cats to talk back to you that’s really impressive.”
Review for The Unbelievable Biscuit Factory
Top 10 Books November 2020
Review for Kay’s Anatomy: A Complete (and Completely Disgusting) Guide to the Human Body
Friday’s Page 69 ~ Kay’s Anatomy: A Complete (and Completely Disgusting) Guide to the Human Body
Unlike most train services, your blood’s always on the go – even when you’re fast asleep. It also defends you from illnesses! So it’s a postal service, a rubbish collection department and a security guard. Oh, and it’s a central-heating system too, working with its mate the skin so that your body is alwasy that lovely 37 degrees. Plus, of course, it’s a delicious snack. (Please ignore the last sentence if you’re not a vampire.)
Review for So Embarrassing: Awkward Moments and How to Get Through Them
Review for Kid Normal and the Final Five
Teaser Tuesday ~ Kid Normal and the Final Five
I let select a random page and it selected page 245.
But they never discovered which particular part of a lamb Mr Flash thought could be the most rapidly agitated. With a rousing battle cry of ‘Snee!’ the Combat Wombat launched itself into the air and attached itself firmly to Mr Flash’s moustache.