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Tag: Ending Love

Spell the Month in Books: March

Spell the Month in Books: March

Hello everyone~~~

Nichijou, Calendar

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Teaser Tuesday ~ Althea & Oliver by Cristina Moracho

Teaser Tuesday ~ Althea & Oliver by Cristina Moracho

Althea & Oliver, Yellow, Pillow, Young Adult, Cristina Moracho, Sleep, Sickness, Journey, Roadtrip
Today is 15-9, my hubbies birthday, so I thought it (159) would make a nice page number!

“Great. It must be something, finally being around other people who have this condition. Maybe makes you feel less alone, less isolated?”
“All due respect, sir, but being in the hospital instead of high school is pretty isolating.”

Friday’s Page 69 ~ The Boy Who Flew With Dragons

Friday’s Page 69 ~ The Boy Who Flew With Dragons

“But remember you told us how to deal with the poo? You know, get it down the loo quick so it doesn’t dry out and explode. Well, Sunny poos a lot. And it must have caused a blockage. All the toilets started overflowing. Mum went in first with the plunger. But she couldn’t clear it and had to call a plumber. And they found this… this… poo-berg.”