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Tag: Growing Up

Review for Chloe and the Kaishao Boys

Review for Chloe and the Kaishao Boys

Chloe and the Kaishao Boys Mae Coyiuto, Young Adult, Dating, Romance, Dates, Cute, Family, Flowers, Girl, Boys“I’m only on the brink of liking someone right now, and it already feels overwhelming. It feels like it takes so much to reach the point of loving someone. And if you get there — if you find a person worthy of the magnitude of the word love — how are you supposed to give that up?”

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Teaser Tuesday ~ Séance Tea Party by Reimena Yee

Teaser Tuesday ~ Séance Tea Party by Reimena Yee

Ghosts, Boy, Comics, Page, Graphic Novel, Friendship

Today I want to feature something different than normal! Today I got a graphic novel for you, Séance Tea Party by Reimena Yee! Today’s selected page is 110. Click on the image to get a much bigger image if this one is too small. I so cannot wait to read this book, going to start it tomorrow.