Blog Tour ~ The Weirn Books, Vol. 2: The Ghost and the Stolen Dragon by Svetlana Chmakova ~ Q&A || Review || Giveaway
Monday’s First Sentence ~ Middle of the Night by Riley Sager
Blog Tour ~ A Darker Mischief by Derek Milman ~ Spotlight
Review for A Ghost in the Garden
Review for The Extraordinary Curiosities of Ixworth and Maddox
Friday’s Page 69 ~ Frankie Best Hates Quests by Chris Smith

After a moment, Joel kicked aside the boxes and scuttled out from under the table.
“HEY!” Frankie grabbed at an ankle and missed. “What do you think you are doing? Never heard of the “pretend we’ve all gone and wait till they come out of their hiding place” trick?” But, when nobody appeared through the Mirror Door to snatch her little brother, she reluctantly decided it might be safe and crawled out herself.
“Granddad’s been kidnapped by orcs!” said Joel dramatically, raising his eyebrows.
“He has not!” Frankie’s brain was simply refusing to process all of this.
Release Day Blitz ~ Falling Embers by Catherine Cowles
First Chapter First Paragraph Thursday Intros ~ Journey Beyond the Burrow by Rina Heisel

Crouched in perfect stillness beneath a toadstool, Tobin sniffed the air. Wet, with a faint metallic odor.
A storm was coming, a big one. Lightning for sure. Not a good day for a mouse to venture too far from the Great Burrow. Tobin lifted his nose to the breeze again, performing the junior weather scout procedures dutifully: Sniff the air. Search the air. Feel the air.
He didn’t even need all three steps today. The odor of rain was obvious, the clouds sat heaped in the sky like a row of giant bears, and as for feeling the air – his tan-and-black speckled fur was already clumped together from the humidity. For the third time that afternoon, Tobin rubbed his cheeks, fluffing out his fur and whiskers. After all, whiskers used properly are a fine-tuned sensory tool. Drooping whiskers can’t do their job.