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Tag: King/Queen

Teaser Tuesday ~ The Women of Troy by Pat Barker

Teaser Tuesday ~ The Women of Troy by Pat Barker

The Women of Troy (Women of Troy #2) by Pat Barker, Trojan Horse, Romance, HIstorical, Retalleing, Mythology, Greek, Fantasy, War
I had select a page for me and it went with page 179.
Automatically, I picked up Pyrrhus’ cup and took it across to the side-board, though I was almost totally unaware of my surroundings. Again, I saw Pyrrhus put Priam’s ring on his thumb: the destruction of Troy summed up in that one casual action. But something strange seemed to be happening: I discovered I could still feel the ring on the palm of my hand – I had held it, briefly – as if, somehow, that fleeting contact had left a permanent trace. I know it sounds trivial, but it wasn’t. Not to me. It was one of those moments that I think everybody experiences – and they don’t have to be dramatic- when things begin to change; and you know there’s no point ruminating about it, because thinking isn’t going to help you understand. You’re not ready to understand it yet; you have to live your way into the meaning.