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Tag: Minecraft

Teaser Thursday ~ Minecraft: The Island

Teaser Thursday ~ Minecraft: The Island

I let select a page number, and it selected page 84.

“Moo,”, said the cow, which prompted a quick correction.
“Okay, maybe it wasn’t you, maybe it was your friend I was tlaking to who got killed by the creeper… and I’m sorry about the steak thing, by the way, but, you know, I was hungry and it was already dead and …. well anyway, back to the vow.”

First Chapter First Paragraph Tuesday Intros ~ Lost in the Jungle

First Chapter First Paragraph Tuesday Intros ~ Lost in the Jungle

This is it, thought Will. It’s now or never. He leaned over the fence to scratch the pig’s head, and then he reached for the saddle.
Oops! He’d almost forgotten the bait. “Wait here,” he said to the pig. “I’ll be right back.”