First Chapter First Paragraph Tuesday Intros ~ All the Crooked Saints
You can hear a miracle a long way after dark.
Miracles are very like radio waves in this way. Not many people realize that the ordinary radio wave and the extraordinary miracle have much in common. Left to their own devices, radio waves would not be audible for much more than forty or fifty miles. They travel on perfectly straight paths from their broadcast source, and because Earth is round, it does not take them long to part ways with the ground and head to the stars. Wouldn’t we all, if we had the chance? What a shame that both miracles and radio waves are invisible, because it would be quite a sight: ribbons of marvel and sound stretching out straight and true from all over the world.
Top 10 English Books 2017 (MG/Children’s and YA Edition)
Top 10 Books of October 2017
Review for The Inquisitor’s Tale: Or, the Three Magical Children and Their Holy Dog
Friday’s Page 69 ~ The Probability of Miracles
Cover Lover Saturday ~ The Probability of Miracles
Review for The Probability of Miracles
Weekly Quote for Week-26 2015 ~ The Probability of Miracles
Get used to that, Nana. He has a way of appearing out of thin air.’
‘Oh my. Asher. Hm. Hm. Hm. Turn around. He’s beautiful, Campbell. Are you schtupping my granddaughter?’ she asked him.
‘No, ma’am.’
‘Well, I give you my permission.’
And just liked that, Cam’s love life was ruined forever. If and when she ever ‘schtupped’ Asher, she’d have to do everything she could not to think of her grandmother.