Blog Tour ~ A Curse for Samhain by Dahlia Donovan ~ Excerpt | Giveaway
First Chapter First Paragraph Thursday Intros ~ Something Kindred by Ciera Burch

There are only two things I know about my grandmother.
One: Her name is Carol Annette.
Two: She left Mom and Uncle Miles for good on a Tuesday morning, after promising to take them to the ice cream shop when they got out of school.
That’s why it makes no sense that Mom has dragged us from New Jersey, all the way to Maryland, to take care of her for the entire summer. Excerpt for the fact that my grandmother has cancer. I think the idea of losing her permanently freaks Mom out more than she’d ever admit.
Death does that.
Blog Tour ~ The Dragon’s Throne Trilogy by Kenzie Graves ~ Excerpt | Giveaway
Monday’s First Sentence ~ One Last Breath by Ginny Myers Sain
Waiting on Wednesday ~ Something Kindred by Ciera Burch
Blog Tour ~ Nerd Meets Curvy by A.C. James ~ Excerpt | Giveaway
Friday’s Page 69 ~ The United States of Cryptids by J.W. Ocker

Most tales of cryptids reach back decades or centuries, long enough ago that sometimes the original sighting is lost to time or lacks important details. In Delaware, we have the opportunity to get in on the ground floor of a new cryptid. It is called the Prime Hook Swamp Creature, and it might be the most darling cryptid since the jackalope. Also, I’m sort of forced to go in this direction because Delaware, as the second tiniest state in the union – barely a cleft of Maryland – is so small it records almost no cryptid sightings. Other than Bigfoot – he’s everywhere. But this book isn’t The United States of Bigfoot.