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Tag: Pizza

First Chapter First Paragraph Thursday Intros ~ Pizza Pete and the Perilous Potions by Carrie Sellon, Sarah Horne

First Chapter First Paragraph Thursday Intros ~ Pizza Pete and the Perilous Potions by Carrie Sellon, Sarah Horne

Pizza Pete and the Perilous Potions, Carrie Sellon, Sarah Horne, Boy with orange hair holding a suitcase with a pizza behind him, magic, fantasy, pizza, potions, humour, children's books
In my last English lesson, Miss Cameron asked us for our favourite word. Eight people said ‘football’. Three said ‘fart’. One said ‘onomatopoeia’.
I didn’t put my hand up, but I carefully wrote four letters in my exercise book.
That’s my favourite word. The cosiest word in the English language. Home. A place where no one laughs at me for the stuff I ‘m rubbish at, like football or diving. And I have hours and hours to get on with the stuff I’m good at, like making pizzas and building interplanetary warships out of Lego.
Review for Pizza My Heart

Review for Pizza My Heart

Pizza My Heart, The Way To A Man's Heart, Book 1, Muscles, Abs, Sexy, Sex, Rushed, Instalove, Annoying, Romance, Sex, Brother, Pizza, Too Fast, Pink, Frankie LoveA cute, albeit it felt too fast, romance book about a guy who meets a girl and falls head over heels with her. There were things I enjoyed… but plenty I didn’t. Sadly.

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Review for A Pizza My Heart

Review for A Pizza My Heart

This was one book that I have been looking forward too since last year. I just needed it in my life and finally it came out (even though I expected it last year).

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