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Tag: Rollercoaster

Friday’s Page 69 ~ The Probability of Miracles

Friday’s Page 69 ~ The Probability of Miracles


“I have another confession to make,” said Lily, turning toward Cam. For the first time since she’d arrived, Cam noticed how thin Lily had become. Her skin was silvery gray and diaphanous, her fingers spindly, and her facial features – her nose and cheekbones- sharp.

Weekly Quote for Week-26 2015 ~ The Probability of Miracles

Weekly Quote for Week-26 2015 ~ The Probability of Miracles

10710505Get used to that, Nana. He has a way of appearing out of thin air.’
‘Oh my. Asher. Hm. Hm. Hm. Turn around. He’s beautiful, Campbell. Are you schtupping my granddaughter?’ she asked him.
‘No, ma’am.’
‘Well, I give you my permission.’
And just liked that, Cam’s love life was ruined forever. If and when she ever ‘schtupped’ Asher, she’d have to do everything she could not to think of her grandmother.

Weekly Quote for Week-22 2015 ~ One Perfect Summer

Weekly Quote for Week-22 2015 ~ One Perfect Summer

22896546At that moment, I knew we could last past the end of summer. That with [insert character name], I could make a long-distance relationship work.That relationships were a lot like roller coasters. filled with highs and lows, terrifying split seconds, and awesome moments when you simply enjoy the ride.