Teaser Tuesday ~ Tokyo Dreaming by Emiko Jean
This one is from Page 130! I tried a random number generator but it wasn’t that much random, haha, just kept picking the same numbers. So I flipped through my copy.
We both inhale, seeing ourselves in the three-paneled mirror. I run my hands down the fabric and trace the intricate pattern. The maple leaves are hand-painted, outlined in gold and silver on a peach background. Mom’s kimono is light orange and ombre the color of the sunset, with cranes alighting from the hem. The gowns are yuuzen kimonos, part of a dying art in Japan. Master makers struggle to pass the traditions on – there are no students to teach. All of the sudden, I remember Eriku showing me the slides of Nagoro village. The stuffed puppets frozen in time, populating a deserted landscape.