Review for Once Upon a Wild Wood
Top 10 Books April 2020
Review for Beauty
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Review for Twisted Fairy Tales: Snow White and the Seven Robots
Book Blitz ~ Kingdom of Darkness and Light by Various Authors ~ Excerpt + Giveaway
Hardcover Surprises ~ Beanstalker and Other Hilarious Scary Tales
Review for The Princess and the Pit Stop
Friday’s Page 69 ~ The Sisters Grimm: The Unusual Suspects

They mayor was a master at the phony, toothy grin, but it slid off his face when he spotted Sabrina and Daphne.
“What are they doing here?” he moaned.
“They found the body,” the sheriff explained.
“The sisters Grimm found the body and no one told me?” Charming said.
“You told us not to talk,” Mr. Seven said defensively.