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Tag: Spooktober

Super Scary Spooktober Suggestion Sunday #2: Horror Collector, Vol. 1: The Faceless Kid by Midori Sato, Yon

Super Scary Spooktober Suggestion Sunday #2: Horror Collector, Vol. 1: The Faceless Kid by Midori Sato, Yon

Horror Collector, Vol. 1: The Faceless Kid by Midori Sato, Yon, Boy holding a book with a spell symbol
Kuchisake-Onna, GIF
Keywords: Scary, Urban Legends, Mystery, Ghosts, Youkai, Illustrations, Spells, Don’t stay in the village, Murder, No one is safe
First Chapter First Paragraph Thursday Intros ~ Gallowgate by K.R. Alexander

First Chapter First Paragraph Thursday Intros ~ Gallowgate by K.R. Alexander

Gallowgate by K.R. Alexander, blue cover with a scary figure
Sebastian Wight was cursed.
Truly, legitimately cursed.
Not like had bad luck. Even though he did.
Not like middle school was hard for him, though his curse definitely made it harder.
No. This was a major curse.
Like, sometimes he’d open his locker to find a floating head.
Or he’d walk down the hall and the doors would start to bleed.
Or he’d pass a playground and the only kids on it would be transparent.
That sort of curse.