Review for At His Majesty’s Request: Harlequin Manga
Top 10 English Books 2016 (MG/Children’s and YA Edition)
Top 10 Books of May 2016
Weekly Quote for Week-20 2016 ~ Love Charms and Other Catastrophes
She wasn’t sure if she wanted a talking thing in a box to ever come out. She couldn’t say anything, but her sharp intake of breath must have been enough.
The box trembled as the something in the inside pushed. The ribbon fell away. The top flap opened with a loud tear of tape and wrapping paper.
A boy stepped out of the box.
Book Tour + Review for Love Charms and Other Catastrophes
Hello everyone! Welcome to the Book Tour for Love Charms and Other Catastrophes!
I will first post my review, and after that I got some information about this AMAZING book.