Bye Bye 2018, Hello 2019 – Counting Down to 2019 with 2018 Favourites! #21
Top 10 Books December 2018
Review for The Magic of Christmas: Harlequin Manga
Review for Yurara no Tsuki Vol.5
Friday’s Page 69 ~ #16thingsithoughtweretrue
Review for Uchi no Maou Kamimasen yo Vol.4
Review for Honey So Sweet Vol.2
Review for Stereotypical Freaks
Found on the Internet: Symptoms of a Book Hangover
I just have, just truly have to share this with the dear people who read my blog. Epic Reads just made another Epic post, this time all about Hangovers, with symptoms, treatments, how it works, and a very cool (and a bit funny) video. Something that happens to all of us book lovers. Suddenly, suddenly, the book is over, and you are kicked out of the book world, what happens to you then? 🙁 I can say this is an article that speaks to me. Just click on the image to go to the article and read all about Book Hangovers yourself!