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Tag: Thank You

*sings*Happy Happy 2nd Birthday to my Blog!

*sings*Happy Happy 2nd Birthday to my Blog!

Hello everyone!

My blog is now 2 years old! Hip hip Hooray! Congrats to my dear blog! You are now 2 years old, and you have grown so big, changed quite a bit, and made my life so much more fun (even though at times it is also a lot of work to make sure you are updated, to post something, but it is worth it).

I don’t only want to thank my blog, I also want to thank all my readers, all my visitors, all those who read my reviews, my meme-posts and anything else I have up on my blog! Thank you, thank you so so much. You are all amazing!
I am planning on a giveaway, but I am still looking at all the details and how such things work. If everything goes right it will be up in March, as a celebration for my blog. 🙂

Thanks again everyone! Here is to another year, another year filled with reviews, meme-posts and books, so many books!


Happy 2016!

Happy 2016!


Hello, hello my dear readers!

2016 just started in my country, and I wanted to wish everyone a very happy and healthy 2016!
I want to thank everyone who visited my blog this year, thanks for popping by and reading my reviews/meme posts! I have added quite a bit of new content this year, and I am so happy to see that people like them. My blog has grown quite a bit again, and I am just so delighted. So thanks everyone, thanks! You are the best!
I got quite a few plans for 2016, including 2 new Meme posts + the return of my Waiting on Wednesday post. I hope you will enjoy the new things and of course the reviews I will write in 2016 (there are some amazing books coming out and I can’t wait to tell you all what I think of the books!).

Well, I hope everyone has a safe, and happy End of the Year celebrations. Enjoy the food, the fireworks and the parties (or the good books you were just waiting to start reading when the clock struck midnight). 😀


Happy Birthday To My Dear Blog

Happy Birthday To My Dear Blog

Hiya everyone!

I just found out that today is my blog’s first anniversary! I totally forgot (I thought it was in 3 days and I also blame having the flu for memory lapse), but luckily I was just in time!

I want to thank everyone that visits this site and those who read my reviews. Really thank you all, you are all amazing! I am sorry that I can’t do much more than just post this message. I know some people do really grand things with their anniversaries, and I would love to do it too, but due to reasons I can’t. Maybe next year I will do something grand. For now I will just thank you all. And I hope I will be able to write a lot of reviews, meme posts and other fun posts that people will like reading this coming new year.

I never thought having a blog would be this fun, this satisfying. I thought I would get a bit bored of it after a few months, but look at the site now. It is a fantastic feeling to be able to write reviews and post them for the world to see. Goodreads, Booklikes and Leafmarks are fun, but nothing tops having a site of your own. 🙂

Again, thanks to everyone. I hope everyone will continue to visit my blog. And here’s to another year!
