Waiting on Wednesday ~ Stage Fright by Wendy Parris
Review for Most Haunted Theatres
October Horror Mystery Month Fest ~ Cursed Objects That Will Kill You ~ Day 1: The Show Must Go On! by P.J. Night

Today’s cursed object is…. A script! Are you sure you want to be the main character in this play?
Book Blast ~ Small Town Prince Charming by Megan Slayer ~ Excerpt + Giveaway
Monday’s First Sentence ~ When You Get the Chance by Emma Lord
NERD BLAST ~ Violets are Blue by Barbara Dee
Monday’s First Sentence ~ Act Cool by Tobly McSmith
Teaser Tuesday ~ The Show Must Go On!

I picked a random page myself this time, page 102.
As she watched herself stepping into the school, a sense of evil and impending doom washed over her.
“Stop!” she thought, hoping that maybe she could command this “show” to end, as if she were pressing the stop button on a remote. But the “show” continued. She did not wake up, and images of her life did not stop playing out in front of her eyes.