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Tag: Word Collector

Weekly Quote for Week-40 2020 ~ A Snicker of Magic

Weekly Quote for Week-40 2020 ~ A Snicker of Magic

A Snicker of Magic, Natalie Llyod, Ice Cream, Purple/Red/Orange Ice Cream, Sky, Sparkles, Cherry, Hand, Waffle Cone, Houses, Shops, Fantasy, Children's Books, Magic, Word Collector, Magical Realism, Moving“The way he said her name made my heart cramp. In all my years of word collecting, I’ve learned this to be a tried and true fact: I can very often tell how much a person loves another person by the way they say their name. I think that’s one of the best feelings in the world, when you know your name is safe in another person’s mouth. When you know they’ll never shout it out like a cuss word, but say it or whisper it like a once-upon-a-time.”