🎆Happy 2021!! 🎆
Thank you all for visiting, reading my posts and commenting on them. ❤❤❤
Despite how it was outside, this was a good year for my blog, I added new posts (like unboxing of stationery boxes and my Netgalley TBR), gave my blog a pink and lovely make-over, got more visitors. I hope 2021 will just be as good+fun!
Byebye 2020, Helllooooo 2021 ~ Counting Down to 2021 with 2020 Favourites! #2: Don’t Call Me Grumpycorn
Byebye 2020, Helllooooo 2021 ~ Counting Down to 2021 with 2020 Favourites! #3: Guardians of Magic
Byebye 2020, Helllooooo 2021 ~ Counting Down to 2021 with 2020 Favourites! #4: Q
First Chapter First Paragraph Thursday Intros ~ Doughn’t Let Me Go

“Are you sure you’re good watching her?” I glance back into the house for the billionth time. “You know what? I’ll just take her with me.”
Foster, my best friend, steps in front of me, blocking my path.
“Dude, we got this. Besides, your kid loves me.”
“She loves you because you feed her sugar and let her bounce off the walls.”
“So?” Foster shrugs and sends me an evil smirk. “It’s not like I have to deal with the fallout.”
“You love me, which is why you moved out here – to spend time with me.”
“I moved out here for my daughter, to raise her in a good community, and that’s it.”